as i look out of my back door into the garden 2 fence panels on the right has blown down and broken. my neighbour says it is my resposibility to replace them. but i always thought that i was...
Old house built in mid 1940's from composite stone blocks. Damp is apparent on plaster of outside wall in one room & we think the problem is that the pointing has shrunk or cracked. Have read up...
We live in a private block of flats, we've got the ground floor and the flat above us are VERY heavy smokers. We know this because most evenings we can smell it through the air vents in the bathroom....
I have managed pull up some of them, others are stuck fast or coming up in bits,they are only cheap self sticking ones, would a hairdrier help remove them?
Are all railway stations exciting? I was thinking about coming home on the train. You get off the train, and there's something atmospheric about the high, echoey station, which smells like the town,...
Three weeks ago I started a healthy eating plan and finess regime.I use my wii fit evert morning for one hour, a combination of step exercises, muscle training, yoga, jogging etc. I am losing 1-2...
Is there any redress whatsoever when a private individual has sold, via "Gumtree" , a car which has numerous undisclosed faults and about which the individual has made false and misleading...
The french President has stated, he will sort out the immigration problem by sending then back, what a bloke, a person with balls, Knob head in Downing St, take a leaf out of his book you slimy Pratt.
I have just found a bottle of saki I brought back from Japan in 1989 still in its original box! Question: Is it drinkable? Does it mature with age like Scotch?
Advice much appreciated....
Was chatting to a friend over the weekend about the age old joke that when women aren't "in the mood" they say they have a headache blah blah. So we started chatting about what men do when...
http://www.dailymail....Ps-booted-voters.html /// The payments are designed to help MPs 'adjust' to life outside the Commons and will be worth up to £33,000 each. Most of the payout is tax-free.... a 05 corsa with water leaking in to drivers foot well cant find were its coming in from got all crap out of bulk head but water still comes in from some were.
Hi, i need to pay an eBay seller £50 as a deposit towards an item at £410, how do i do this? as far as i can see, Paypal will only let me pay the full lot but i want to pay the remainder...
So I have crush on this girl and it's been a couple of months but I tried to ignore it and concentrate on my studies,but after a while the crush just kept on getting stronger and stronger ( too strong...
I've just had a new fence put up which has concrete gravel boards. Due to the garden slope there are gaps of about 10" under the gravel boards which I need to cover in some way so as to prevent...
I purchased some daffodil bulbs last September and due to illness problems with my father I never got aroud to planting them. Would it be best to plant them now or later in the year I realise I will...
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right section but can anyone tell me why my washing machine is putting holes in my clothes?It seems to like my night dresses and pullovers best of all. Would putting...
I know medical experts say we must get at least two litres of water down us a day, i couldnt imagine me drinking that much, i hate the stuff and it makes me belch, thoug i do drink around 6-7 cups of...
I was up this morn getting ready for gym, felt good to go then wife starts, wasnt anything important but a couple of broken wine glasses that i threw in the bin, no one drinks wine in our house,...