loads and loads of sweets left over from last night (all the good ones) i gave the crappy ones away first ofcourse AND THERE MINE ALL MINE mwha haha hahahahah ..Am I right ? I'm not wrong !
please protect me from such bad words in the name of comedy ............................................... bring back curry and chips ..............................and any chance of a rerun pf love...
come on bbc I don't pay my licence fee not to see this loud mouth comic not on the bbc and I don't pay my licence fee to have to watch him on chanel 4 tomorrow night at 22.35 as they keep plugging Am...
who is running this country ? political correctness gone mad ? the press whip up a frenzy about some childish prank and even the pm has nothing better to do than have his twopenn'orth so why did we...
tea.....coffee (milky of course )....cocoa........horlicks......olvaltine....bovril.....or adams ale ? sorry no alcohol I can't have any so niether can you