Now i know its the norm for folk to rant about xmas and the changes that pc councils make. But ive just heard about a school in brighton ,sorry missed the name of it. Anyway this may be old news to... nationals/7100393.stm The fans don't like him, he hasn't done well, but he'll still get ?2.5m if they get rid of him - i bet he's REALLY gutted about...
Does this mean each and every individule one of us can be human gods on here now. Ive never been a god as a human before, think that I will change my name to zeuss before any body else has the same...
What are the answers to these questions:- 1- Twenty six miles? 2- Milk butter and cheese cabinet? 3- Charlie's sport? 4- Disturbing the pond? 5- Eat outside?
I have the above phone and recently have been sent what I assume is a photo message. Only the stupid phone won't let me open it. And the only text appearing on the bloody thing is a load of gobbledy...
Advicee please ??..... What do u do when u keep getting reminded of your bf's X girlfriend.. everywhere u go shes there >?..Everything u see... she there? Im still seeeing photos etc of her .......
and i got a e-card from Carling wishing me a happy birthday on my works e-mail addy do you think that reflects bad upon me and makes me look a bit of an alcky ?
my children aged from 5 years upto 13 years old every time they have a tantrum or get mardy i saing them this little song (to the tune of MY BOY LOLLIPOP ) mardy bum , mardy bum oh mardy mardy bum...
As I feel guilty about my carbon footprint, can anybody tell me if switching radiators off in room I do not enter (spare bedrooms,bathrooms etc) will save energy? As the hot water is on a big circle,...
I have just found a hairbrush behind the fridge. It is very tacky and smells a bit with obvious chunks of scalp on the knobby ends of what few prongs remain. It is a revolting object and I cannot see...