Good afternoon. well after a lot of headscratching i have completed all the clues and know what the topical word is that the title refers to. However i am a but puzzled by the triplets. I am not sure...
Good evening, some research in the offing for Pabulum’s “Heroes” this week! I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate answers, thanks! ACROSS: 15 Novelist in court getting large fine (5)...
Still struggling with the theme TBH
But meantime in the clued clues any help greatly appreciated
1A Perhaps not swinging is sordid (5) I have SE???
11A Local watery pat...
Good evening! I think I’m getting an idea of the theme for Doc’s offering of this week. I’m stuck on the last three clues, answers to which should see me cracking the theme. Many thanks in advance!...
A thrilling offering from Lavatch this week! Filled the grid quite smoothly, but am left with just one clue for which I would appreciate some confirmation. Thanks in advance! 37(A) Rod and Bill tucked...
Rather puzzled by this today 29A See red and shiny black (5) ???e? 26D Deeds initially in a prescribed file (7, two words) ???a??? 21A Almost like Hamlet's hairs (5) ?R??? 21D Rector in spain breaking...
Good day, I would appreciate answers for the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 32 Like seaweed I found, not new, drifting round about (6) ????I? 35 Chiefly wanting one to be dignified (5)...
Good day, a pretty straightforward offering by Doc this week! I've got all but two of the Unclueds. I'm stuck on one clue, the answer to which should see me through. Many thanks in advance! 37 ( A )...
2D Health food, 18 of course (6) I have ?re??? 18 in the crossword is SEVEN DWARFS i think 3D Bird has change of course over far end of lake (5) i have ?EE?? 15 D Prophet's artistic grandma (5) I have...
Good morning rather stuck- i can see the theme from the answer to 35A but need a few of the remaining clued clues to make progress 39A aunt from Santiago? (3) 41 A Priest catches one fish thats...
I can see how the missing letters work with the included lights but no idea how this relates to the title unless this just needs an L inserting. meantime on the clued lights Is 16A a hidden word in...
I thought that i had finished this but have got stuck on 2 of the uncluded lights. I cannot find a place name to fit 25D where i have ?LE?D? nor 19d where i have one that is close but doesnt end in O....
Last one, 21D: Drunk northern man about town on the Tarn (9). M?NTA?B?N.
I assume the capital T at Tarn is significant but can’t parse any obvious solutions....
A healthy and happy New year to all! What an exciting beginning with Mr. Magoo! I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate answers with parsing, thanks in advance! ACROSS: 18 Moon at the...
13 D Dance like a sponge, or like another invertebrate (12) 41A Supports posh girl almost being enthralled by unlikely types? (10) 27A Experimental style i practise (9) 43A School mums in a spin after...
Last letter! 31ac. Iron extracted from very great amount of jam?(6) ?ARFUL. If it's 'Jarful' I can't parse it. It's one of the clues where the wordplay ignores one letter.