February issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
December issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
December issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
December issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
3d. Rouen road adapted for regular continental walking event (9) E?R?R?N?O I'm confident of adjoining letters, although I realise that if the 3rd letter wasn't R, the answer could be ESPERANTO.... ...
November issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
November issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often many... ...
29a. Scout round eastern salmon river (4) S?E? I suspect it might be SPEY because it's a slamon river, and SPY for scouting with E from eastern? Any idea's - Thanks
More from Octobers issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often... ...
More from Octobers issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often... ...
More from Octobers issue: All are Scottish words, terms or slang and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations only used in specific geographical areas. Due to difficulty and often... ...
October issue: All are Scottish words or terms and also could also be regional Scottish terms or variations. Due to difficulty and variations of spelling, some of my adjoining letters might be in...
September Issue This crossword is primarily Scottish words, terms or variations of words or spellings common to regions of Scotland. 1a. Long-legged (4,7) L??? / ???N?I? Possibly LANG ???N?I? 2d. Name...
6d. Urgency of changing speed limit is (11) D?S?S?A?I?N
(possibly hyphenated / two words or more)
Maybe D?S? STATION or some other concoction
Many thanks...
22d. Unwell, looking for sympathy (5) H???Y I have HECHY but can't confirm the word even exists (after Scottish word HECH quoted as expressing pain, sorrow or contempt). Maybe a regional slang word as...
Only a few to go - tippex has been busy I'll let you know what's left and explain letter make up (as theirs been so many changes since original posts). 14a. Outset (5) A?H?O A from TWA for two, H from...
Getting closer but the more correct answers I get seems to make existing answers wrong. 9d. Two ((3) ??? (I have TWA as Scottish for two) 12d. Boggy ground (4) M?S? (I have MOSS (ie Flanders Moss or...
A couple more I'm not sure about 12a. Nasty weapon (5) M?L?Y (I have MALKY as a term for being slashed, chibbed (or headbutted), so assuming a razor might be a MALKY?) 20d. Twelve inches (3) ??? (I...