Does anyone else think the way her parents are carrying on is really creepy? Instead of seriously looking for her they seem to have turned into a pair of publicity wh***s - do they honestly think that...
Is it just me being simple, or does it not make sense that doctors are being told to hold evening surgeries because they're earning too much, but then they're allowed to charge ?20 a go for it?????...
So is there a national shortage of loony preachers then? .stm WTF is going on in this country? Is this Blair's final act of contempt for the people?
Just heard on News :-''Just 14% of Scots describe themselves as British'. What do you think ? Are you British or English or What ? Americans are invited to take part. ie Scottish American etc.
Is it just me or does GTA 4 sound a little disapointing. Just one city in the whole game and we've been there before, you cant buy property because Rockstar feel they've done that to much, there is no...
The average Briton apparently owns a Ford Fiesta, believes in God and goes to the toilet six times a day. According to Tim Wardle, that is - he's making a documentary for Channel 4 seeking Britain's...
Does anyone agree that the bikes of the fifties sounded much meatier than the awful foreign tinny sounding ones on the road now? I was a petrol pump attendant, I new whitch bike was coming before it...
When Desmond is living in the hatch in series one and two, what is the music he keeps playing on his record player....sounds like downtown by dusty springfield but dont think thats what it is
What's to stop me setting up a Ltd company in the UK, working through an agency in Eire and being paid to a bank in, say, the isle of man and writing cheques to myself without paying tax? Apart from...
Do your religious views have any impact upon the political party that you choose to vote for? Which party do you feel best suits your religious outlook?
And Christians believe this (because it says so in the bible), why aren't all Christians Jewish? Naive question maybe but I really don't know the answer. Is it just because the men don't want to be...
An advert for a gadget to keep an automatic watch going when not worn all the time says it is harmful to let the watch wind down or stop and have a detrimental effect on its timekeeping. They would...
Can anyone explain to me what the pros/cons of car leasing are? I'm a private car owner who does about 15,000 miles a year. I've never considered a leasing arrangement until recently, when I heard an...
Can anyone tell me which car was featured in the advert with the car that morphs into different giant land/sea creatures ? It was on recently but it seems to have dissapeared off the box. Thanks !
I read somwhere that the original Aviators were designed with a circle in the bridge to hold a pilot's cigarette. I DEFINITELY read this cos my girlfriend remembers me reading it to her! But I can't...