26a Valley of romantic novelist (4) D - L - Could be DALE or DELL, both of whom seem to be romantic novelists, but which is it? It's linked to 10a which is 26 found one in the desert (4) - A - -...
can anybody tell me what page sammy squirrel is on please, i have looked through the mag so many times i have nearly worn it out. thanks for any replys
please has anyone finished maturetimes march2013 coffee time clue crossword ?
I got stuck on 14down-Route (7letters), 24across-Inevitably(6letters), and 17across- Annoyed( 7letters)...
Not sure what happened there. Anyway need some help to finish not the answer but a shove in the right direction. 7d Make a mess of new instrument cases (6) ?U???E 12a German bank hoards Laotian money...
Still a few to get, can anyone point me in the right direction please? All answers have a colour or shade in answer 11. How Harriet described Danny (6,6) 15. This hedging sounds like a PC and a bit of...
all answers have a colour or shade in answer 22 a watercolour perhaps (10) 24 a spice and herb combination (10) 26 a forge-hammer worked by foot(6) 41 henry or george with jeremy(10) 45 a princely...
Can anyone help?
All answers are, or contain, a colour or shade
7. Annoyance in a prong (9)
27. It's a file, chuck! (9)
28. DCI Vera (8)
58. A totally useless object (9,6)...