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On Radio 4 this afternoon 2.30. In two parts. Another of my all-time favourite books. Being performed as a play.
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mikey4444 Dire stats here for Christian churches here in Britain. "The proportion of the population who identify...
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Mr Smow and I are both in our 40's and for whatever reason neither of us have a pension. 6 yrs ago my mum sadly passed away and she left me quite a large sum of money ( well if is to me lol). We went...
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My son who works at a well known supermarket, told me 7 people were caught shoplifting at the weekend. Apparantly, they were gypsies? --/travellers? What they were doing, is sending their kids in to...
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When do you plant out bedding plants in the South
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I'm aware that as one ages it would seem that bras become increasingly uncomfortable for many women. I am curious as to why though, the obvious conclusion is that it is menopause related, but is it...
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Being a United fan, I hope it's us of course but both side have excellent wingers and United are prone to concede. I think there will be goals and it will be a good game. May the best United win. Er,...
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And why would someone say it with a fellow (black) Leave supporter sitting next to him? Furthermore, if said person is going to accuse someone of this, should he not do his homework and first make...
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Its just struck me that it might help if there was a specific section for telling mods that there is a spam posting that needs their attention?...or would it get misused?
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//A Cambridge University African themed dinner has been branded racist because the invite used language from the Lion King and was held in a hall 'filled with portraits of white people'.// //The...
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As early as 1912, Harvard megadrox researchers discovered proof that consuming creatine will substantially increase creatine content within the muscle. Then, within the Twenties, scientists found...
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spoilers follow
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Led in bed early hours (04:00ish) today, Mrs B and Doc both sound out, I heard the first Cuckoo of the year, in fact the first one I've heard since moving to Hernia Bay just over 3 years ago....
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mikey4444 Not sure what is wrong here. This little lad looks very neat and tidy to me ! I had hair only marginally longer when I was a lad in the 50's....
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If you employ someone to paint your wooden fence, and you have concrete posts and concrete bottom, with wooden fence in between. Would you expect them to paint over the concrete with same paint, or...
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When workmen are working on your home, do you allow them to use your toilet? Or do you insist they provide/use a portaloo or use nearby public toilets?...
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Why are most Eurovision songs so bad? It gets an enormous audience and s a fantastic showcase for songwriters as well as singers, so why do all these nations churn out such tosh? It doesn't even...
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What would be the cost of painting a high wooden fence, which runs all round the property. Would you expect estimated cost of job done, or a price of how many hours it takes ?
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A popular ploy by the learned religious to excuse the unpopular bible parts seems to be that "one must not take certain passage in the bible and take them to be as read". I'd like someone to explain...
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On the oxygenating weed in my pond there are clear jelly like blobs - what could these be ? Also there are little leeches in the pond - would these be harmful to frogs ?...

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