what happened on this day of any significance.I can only find that this was the year the calender was changed from Julian to Gregorian. Is there another event
Trying to put a list together of popular street games for kids in the 70's. Got a few
Rounders, Knick Knack, Kick the Can, Relevio,Kerbs .....Any others around to remember? and are they still popular
Feel free to correct me if my basic understanding of the universe doesn't match current theories. If time is a dimension that can be travelled through, then how come no alien forms from the future...
why do the literatery bodies still underate this narrative device. In the last twenty years it has produced some wonderful and diverse literature including; The Sandman, Preacher, Transmetropolitan...
I have some really good albums that I would like to sell, they are not originals but come in good quality jewel cases with reasonably authentic looking covers and leaflets and the CDs themselves play...