49a, surface in a japanese castle constructed in such a way that no-one could walk across it without making a noise, n?g?t?n?a?e.
many thanks in advance...
3a, the type of competition in which you might be defeated by ACCOMMODATION or GUTTERAL, s???l?????? 25d,parliamentary media in wsetminster or canberra, p?e?? ?al??y 41a, these might be required...
24a, pathogenic, m?a?i?ic
22a, before the common era, ?ce
217d, neonate, n?e????
43d, educes, e?i??ts
125a, recital ( of lies), l?t?n?
many thanks in advance...
42a, of an arguement, personal rather than objective, ?d?o?i?e?
43a, the ?o?p?o?u?, is also known as istanbul strait, thought this was bosporus but it doesn,t fit
many thanks in advance...