charity quiz closes shortly and in need of help, one answer! this is a phrase, fact or saying....asked last night, desperate girl here! 12 s in m s >>>>?????
Could anyone help with the following well known phrases? example: R.R.G.A.C.A.A.D. - rain rain go away come again another day 1: O.F.A.H.G.W.A.F.T.T. 2: I.T.B.M.T.T.C.I.A.F.T.B.R Many thanks
Help it's Monday and I still can't work out 38d Overview (of subject) for which I have -O-S-A---S and 54a Make numb for which I have --R-E-Y. Am either being very thck or have gone wrong somewhere -...
I have regularly completed various national newspapers general knowledge crosswords for some years without any success. For instance I consider I have completed the DT GK correctly for the past four...
17 down: Girls and unmarried young women -come home! M-S-I-S Something with miss but can't think what. Only discovered this site recently, brilliant idea. Thanks.