Has there been any particular reason recently to spark the IRA off or have they remained dormant fully well knowing that one day they would be back to...
I understand there will be a timed numeracy and literacy test to establish whether you can work under pressure and to within the timescale allowed. Apart from this what is different in a second...
Ok, a boy a ex doesn't know whether the baby's his or another guy she was sleeping with called b to add extra confusion she apparently got pregnant and then went back to guy a and slept with him, she...
Do any of you take this, Ive just brought some and im wondering how effective is it as i like my tea's strong so am debating whether i should use one teabag or two.
Ok so solar panels would be pointless here, but we do have a lot of wind so why have we not got more wind turbines everywhere? Cost of building or eyesores that would spoil the scenery?
Is Aaword that old people use to say you have a unique personality.
ie. Haha, you're such a card.
What is the connection? With the word "card" and "Unique personality'?... How did he get the presidents email address in the first place, he wasn't reprimanded for having the email address so is the Presidents email address...
Ive just seen an episode of Friends in which Monica's boyfriend an Cagefighter loses a fight and is put into a whole upperbody cast including his arms. Is this really ever done, if so what type of... As they intend to increase passengers which means increased baggage and weight wont this be more dangerous also how can you get into the "Crash...
(I just asked this in how it works as i previously didn't see the tech section.) Recently whilst moving furniture the wire ripped in half and i wasn't able to record or watch any of my previous...
Recently whilst moving furniture the wire ripped in half and i wasn't able to record or watch any of my previous recorded programs, i thought that everything was recorded directly onto the box but it...