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I thought one of the reasons our soldiers were fighting and dying in Afghanistan was to ensure women were offered a modicum of human rights. It would appear that very little has changed in the mindset...
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Does history record the name of the sentry who shot 'Stonewall Jackson'?
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Remind me to ask this man to choose my lottery numbers. 7963581.stm
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The government is planning to monitor social networking sites. Is this reasonable behaviour post 9/11, or is it another way to keep tabs on the public by an overly intrusive security service?...
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Someone's in for a spanking when he returns from travelling. What's the worst thing you did to your parents? (Note: It's circumcised; is it Muslim???)
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Should Hindus be offered specialist sites that would enable them to cremate their dead relatives in the open air, which is more in keeping with their traditions?...
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Julnar d_west/7938282.stm Should we tax the fatties? Is this really a health concern or just some middle class doctor bashing working/under class people?
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Julnar I suspect there are more such firms trawling through our personal information. Do you think these companies should be legitimised in a modern data friendly...
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Julnar Doctors call for the abolition of prescription charges in England. Should the English be expected to subsidise the health costs of the rest of the UK?
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Julnar 0.stm This is shocking. I didn't realise witchcraft still held such a hold over people in a modern world. Do many African nations still follow these...
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Julnar urned-bedroom-to-escape-gang-6323e80.html I felt so sorry for the five year old boy who started the fire. He must have felt terrified to take such...
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When was the French Foreign Legion formed and why?
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Did any battles on the western front during the First World War involve a cavalry charge?
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What book or story is considered to be the first one told?

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