This ridiculous system of having the categories sub-divided into sub-categories is intrinsically flawed, as well as being annoying, ridiculous and time-consuming. It is no use giving us gimmicks like...
Thanks everyone for your comments. We are writing them down as they come in! We put a rush on addressing the most frequent suggestions. You'll now find that by clicking on 'Topics' you'll be able to...
my hates are celery,green beans,parsnip,pears,olives and macaroni cheese.yuk!! my faves are hot indian curries, chicken,sunday roast(especially beef),garlic,strawberries,bananas, and marmite on toast.
And pretty much anything else Julia Roberts is in. I have been arguning with a (female) friend about this. Surely this film is an insult to everyones intelligene. Multi millionaire! Richard Gere!!...
If so, please stand up now and be counted. At the moment it doesnt appear that anyone is happy with it. It is too much for my liking. I dont quite know where to start.
Does anyone out there have as much trouble getting up in the mornings as I do? Given half a chance and if I didn't have a conscience, I would stay in bed until lunchtime. The rare occasions when I've...