Last one to complete this - any help appreciated - 13A Bacteriologist after whom a flat-bottomed lab receptacle is named (5 letters) P - T - I thanks in advance!
Not a snooker expert so any help with this last clue appreciated - 6a snooker stroke made with an almost vertical cue that imparts a sharp swerve to the cue ball (5 letters) M - - S - thanks in...
After these plants (5) were flourishing in a cold greenhouse all winter. After bringing them outdoors for the spring, they have all died off after having the same watering and feeding. Any answers...
Last two giving me problems - any help appreciated! 24d Corrosion-resistant alloy of copper tin and zinc cast or machined for use in valves gears, and other parts (8 letters) - U ---T - L, 31a...
Last one giving problems to complete this - 28 and 18 down. Former Egyptian Minister of Transport 2004-05 appointed Prime Minister in March 2011 (5.6 letters) B _ O _ S _ R S _ A _ _F any help...
Three left which I need help with! 5d "Will you walk a little faster? said a whiting to a _____ (Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) 5 letters S - A - L, 6d Usual North American...
Two left giving problems - any help appreciated. 4a inflammation of the eyelid caused by staphylococcal bacteria (anterior) or problems with the melbomian oil glands (posterior) (11 letters) B - - P -...
Having trouble finishing this today - four left to do - any help appreciated - 4d in yoga any of the seven major centres of spiritual power in the body (6 letters) C - A -- A, 17a sudden loss of...
Last one which I can't do - 31d ancient egyptian hieroglyph symbolisng life comprising a T shaped cross surmounted by a loop (4 letters) - N - H - thanks in advance!
Cannot find the answers to the last two - any help appreciated - 27a french culinary term describing a dish baked in pastry (2.6) - N - R -- T - 32a silver white metallic element of the lanthanide...
I am struggling for these answers - 26a west african country with the franc as its currency (5 letters) - G _ B _ N 28a spanish passion associated with the flamenco (6 letters) - - E - D - 39a person...
Two to finish - any help appreciated - 26d long tailed herbivorous bipedal dinosaur (9 letters) E _ U _ N _ D _ _ 41a american form of professional motor racing (4.3 letters) ---Y - A - thanks
Last one to complete - 20d aquatic larva of a dragonfly damselfly mayfly or stonefly (5 letters) N - - A - If the answer is NYMPH then 22a does not fit as the answer for second largest city in Turkey...