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I'm stuck on the question about Ozymandias and what he offered to pay a fortune for the return of who. can anyone give me any ideas please? I thought it was connected to Rameses II but still can't see...
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I've just got 4 to do and wondered if any kind person out there could give me clues please for them? The numbers are: 32, 52,76 and 85. I would really appreciate the help many thanks Kaishe48...
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Just got one to do and would appreciate some assistance please? What do you get if you mix Yttrium, Nitrogen and Bromine the answer will be a railway station with initial letters between A and K. I've...
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I'm really stuck on two questions and wondered if anyone could help please? The answers are American TV shows : 27 - Bird of prey on coat of arms (6,5) 83 - A well known bingo call (2,6,5) any help...
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Can anyone help with these last two please? 40 - Female speaker has been out in the sun (5, 5) 50 - Worthless professor (4,4) both answers are desserts or cakes. Any help much appreciated. many thanks...
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Hi, I have 3 that are really fooling me - if anyone could help with these please, it would make my Christmas !!!! F S L T W (number of letters - 5 5 6 4 5) B L T S T T H (6 4 3 6 4 3 5) W O G A S T A...
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I'm also having trouble with just one answer- WOMANGOIN it seems to suggest an anagram, but I've spent hours on it and can't come up with a vegetable for that clue. Would anyone have any ideas please?...
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granny grump
Last one please can you help 10 This must have just hatched from the pod (8)...
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I'm just stuck on FLH by TA would anyone be kind enough to give me a clue for this please? many thanks...
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I am stuck on three. I have worked solidly on this quiz since it first arrived and I cannot find these three so please do not complain because I have asked. if you do not want to give me the answers,...
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just stuck on two please if anyone can help. all answers are peaks and troughs, highs and lows, 43 - In a tent in other words (5,6) 71 - "... I'll kiss you and you'll kiss me, oh how happy we...
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Hi, I'm having trouble with one answer - the clue is the title of the song "What are you doing New Years Eve?" Can any one enlighten me who sang this please? the answer has to be 4,8,5. I...
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I am really stuck on a few of these any help would be appreciated. 1 If you believe that,you're completely crackers?. And you can hardly hope for intelligence these days, if you can find even -----...
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is anyone else doing this quiz? I'm not usually stuck on logos to the extent I am on this one. I still have 26 of them to go and it has to be posted on Monday lastest !!!. Does anyone have this quiz...
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Could anyone give me clues to logos 5 and 28, or the chappie in picture 36 please? I've googled for hours but cannot seem to find these. Any help would be appreciated. many thanks Kaishe48...
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Hi, am really stuck on two, would anyone be able to help please? 26 - Sport loses 21 27 - A step donw from no 1 both answers have to be artists surnames. any help much appreciated. many thanks...
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Hi, is there anyone who could give me clues to the logo section of this quiz please? I'm all googled out on Logo's 8, 13, 15, 23, 24, and 27 and then Famous place number 101. I had found earlier on...
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Am really stuck on this quiz, it may be me just having a senior moment, but can anyone help on the following few please? All answers are items of clothing. Gent swallows a bit of the Bible (6) Body...
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hi, got stuck on the last 5 - does anyone have any inspiration on these please? For Example : If M & M - Comedy (Clue = Nano Nano) Answer is Mork and Mindy what are: H & O - Songwriters (Clue...
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I'm down to 4 and would really like to post this one out soon. Can anyone help with Logo 16, Famous Face 48, Famous Face 54 and maybe a clue for place 103? many thanks kaishe48...

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