It's my brothers and a very good female friend of mine (she's like a soulmate to me) 21st birthday's coming up soon and I want to get them both something special for their birthday (seperate gifts). I...
OK, this may be a really silly question, but my poor cat has been under the weather - gammy eye, off his food, sleepy etc. So tonight I took him to the vet and they think that he has...
I bought a suit jacket last week, foregoing the trousers, as I've already got a couple of pairs of plain black ones. The jacket is black, has a faint striped pattern (not pinstripes). Does it...
i get really annoyed at people who continually put themselves down unnecessarily and really wanna tell them to stop being so pathetic. so does anyone know of a way to tell them that without...
I had an accident at work today.At the time i thought i'd broke 3 fingers.I was sent up to the hospital to get them x-rayed.I arrived at the hospital at 1.05pm & didn't get seen till 3.50pm i then...
Does anyone else find the latest KFC ad with the call centre people talking (trying to sing) with their mouths full, offencive? I do, and would like others to complain to the ITC. Do you remember...
Great that UKGOLD was showing some Carry On films today. My friend and I were discussing which Carry On films are best- the "real life" ones, such as Cabby, Loving, Camping or the ones set in history...