Got the crossword done with relative ease. But the wordfinder _- after 3 consecutive no trouble with that eithers - is causing me trouble. I have AEO LMRSSSTY. Help, please.
It's getting worse. Only 8 letters, AEI LMNTV and I still can't get it. I mean, I can get dozenz of words but none that form any TV programme I have ever seen. Am I not watching enough... ...
Stuck again. I think I have all the letters right. I have AAEOOHNRTTTWW. You would think two Ws would make for a fairly easy anagram, but no. Any help wecome.
Help needed here. I have a mixed quiz (some simple, e.g. A water container and soldier's transport ($) which is Tank) and some cryptic (e.g. Choc bar in the Spanish sun makes you smell nice (7) is...
Stuck on the damned thing again even after realising there were two fs, not one. The letters I have are A,O,O,O U,C. F. F H, S, T.T.R. Help much appreciated. Happy New Year to all.