Got the crossword done with relative ease. But the wordfinder _- after 3 consecutive no trouble with that eithers - is causing me trouble. I have AEO LMRSSSTY. Help, please.
It's getting worse. Only 8 letters, AEI LMNTV and I still can't get it. I mean, I can get dozenz of words but none that form any TV programme I have ever seen. Am I not watching enough... ...
Stuck again. I think I have all the letters right. I have AAEOOHNRTTTWW. You would think two Ws would make for a fairly easy anagram, but no. Any help wecome.
Stuck on the damned thing again even after realising there were two fs, not one. The letters I have are A,O,O,O U,C. F. F H, S, T.T.R. Help much appreciated. Happy New Year to all.