I've just started to educate my 15 month old son with some classic albums, this week has seen London Calling and the Complete Stone Roses, any suggestions for tonight. PS He's another one that can't...
I have started with cystitis - haven't had it for years but presume I'm more prone now as menapausal. I've sent hubby up to the chemist to get over the counter stuff but have noticed my urine is pink...
Have a look at this. Then tell me what you think it is. Personally, I think it is a very premature or underdeveloped baby, born still in the fetal stage.
last night i went to a concert in birmingham acadamy which laster bout 4 hours of continual LOUD music...when i left i had the ususal feeling of my ears being blocked and everything appear to have a...
Thank you all the lovely Abers that have accepted or invited my friendship on here. It's not been the best of times here, so... ...I must say it really does mean a hell of a lot. Thank you so very...
I don't know whether its just my PC but the recent posts thing on the new AB doesn't seem to be working properly. It alternates between showing the true recent posts and then frequently flicks back to...
How could anyone see the dancer spinning anti-clockwise? She is plainly spinning in a clockwise direction. I have tried making it change direction but to know avail....