Last One. 30a Nearly half the tennis in two northeastern forms (4,11) I think it is Nine Nineteenths but cant quite fit it to the clue.I've tried tennis (twice)+ the+ne ?
I misled you Roadie the theme is Matthew Arnold and the poems to fit are- Scholar Gipsy, Clouded Leopard, Thyrsis, Sohrab and Rustam, Empedocles, and Balder Dead Cheers K
Blessed with numerous grandchildren spread all over the world, I am called Grand Pa or Grand Papa everywhere except the North of England where it is always Grand Dad. Any idea why that is?
Last one, 5d With a heather on board one might get fires (8) I have reasoned that this is S W ALING S but i am only familiar with the verb Sweal - any thoughts?