Set of rules governing the conduct of a military force in conflict A?????E? of War (8,2,3) One of mankinds most ancient artifacts first being made in mesopotamia C?O?H (5) Ancient french town in...
2 left to complete. 12a.Condoleezza starts peddling US armaments-the clot.12 letters.I have.?r?s?a?e?t?m 19a.Panoramic painters visited,travelling around Utah.9 letters.I have v?d?t?s?i
I am still struggling with this one. Could someone give me the answer for:- 15d Slang for lowest NCO army rank. (9) Hopefully I will be able to sort out the rest, well I can dream can't I.
1) Is this a type G country 2) Here landing is sudden, mark my words! 3) Wilbur made an entrance here 4) Is this lid near 5) I didn't loiter when I was here
This requires an alteration in one's courses [6.2.4 letters] CHANGE OF D -- N --- could it be DINE ? but I have never heard an expression like that, sorry MIND will not fit, someone pls help me,...
I would like help please with the following questions Q20 Which three word French term beginning La describes the period of gracious living enjoyed by the affluent classes in the years leading up to...
A few more elude me. 20ac.Shock about a celebrity returning for a job in the theatre (5,7). I have S???E ?A?????. 11d. Still permanently rejecting subordination? (12). I have ?E?????????S. 14d....
I feel ashamed to ask this! Just one four letter word and i have two of them (I think) "It may be held in revulsion" L?S? I'm guessing that the answer is "lust" but I can't see why. Any ideas, anyone?