It took me a while to realise that this was going in a whole other direction from actual current EV setters! For a while in the middle, before making the breakthrough, my enthusiasm for the puzzle was...
last 2-help please and parsing
22d larissa's letter is manifest to have rent extracted to support king 5 K???A
25a father covering former university's roof7 ??A?E?U
Really driving me mad this time! 9a. Two posts, the first one cut on a type of box..(6) cannot find anything on box plant and as container Kobako is nearest - I have ?O???A 6d.Infantry weapon was in...
7d hoisting equipment used by unqualified members (9) S?E???E?S 12a Received in the post (6) E???E? 24a Circling the middle of Aberystwyth the Hunter's Prayer (6) O???O? 22d Defiantly capricious, Andy...
Hi all I've been a bit delayed so just got round to this one. I presume 21a is one of the thematics? Disorderly retreat losing out I have Pattern Which ties in with 26a unclued- model Can't see...
Another good set of clues from Jaguar formed around a nice puzzle. Have had a children free weekend so it was a leisurely morning lie in (till 8.00! the luxury!) with some real coffee, a fried egg...
Have just taken up my £1 special offer for first month of my Times subscription, and do hope I shall get better value for money in the coming weeks. I regret to say that this is just not up to...
This is the first time Tim has got me stumped - usually I find Paul the trickiest. Stuck on 3 all interconnected 21 across Watches over engaging pet fox (2 words) ??ECK?RA? 22 down City in Central...