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Ft Jumbo crossword 17505 has anyone made sense of the two [See instructions] clues 49a and 21d?
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An excellent puzzle. I enjoyed the first stage of the problem as logic was required throughout rather than testing umpteen possibilities. The gridfill was quicker than anticipated and there is no...
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I rarely post, and have never started a thread, but I wanted to congratulate and thank Cagey for an all-time classic Listener. Surely in the very top tier (top 5, at least) in my 20+ years of solving....
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Another great circular puzzle. I enjoyed solving the clues -- just pitched at the right difficulty. 32 was the final clue for me which I should have solved far quicker! Initial inroads were made in...
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A beautiful construction although the unclued lights rather gave the game away. An excellent introductory Listener. Thanks, Eclogue....
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We filled the grid eventually but decided that the alphabetical caper wasn't for us. We took a huge leap in the dark and guessed what should be submitted. Will our hubris be rewarded? Thanks, Gnomish...
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A good introductory level puzzle - nice and simple, but good fun. I commend it to anyone thinking of having a go at a Listener Thanks Lysander...
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Very nice. Not as difficult as it first appeared. Entering values needed much care. Now, have I missed any bars out? Many thanks, Piccadilly....
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Either a) I haven't found the right thread, b) folks have found this one difficult, or c) nobody bothers reviewing numericals any more. I had a brief conversation on Twitter with a numericals-hater...
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No question - just a Listener style commendation for an excellent puzzle by Ifor (one of my favourite setters). Took a good bit of clue parsing to get the quotation and the instruction absolutely...
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A clever idea with plenty of thematic material in the grid (once you knew what the theme was.) Some easy clues got me started but then things slowed a bit with one or two fairly obscure definitions...
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Lots of people are having trouble finding it. If you go onto the HOME page of the crossword club site and scroll down to The Listener, you can find it there.
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Not like me to be done on Friday, still less posting first (if indeed I have). I found this very straightforward, but rather tedious, with lots of the same operation, occasionally speeded up with a...
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Clues are in alphabetical order ....number of letters in answer not given. Indication of singularity for drug. starts th or ti Scrap special animals. starts with o,p,q,r, or s Single very blue...
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Very grateful for all help with these three please. 4dn: “Give and receive stick (5).” I have B?N?Y. 9ac: “Left needing wash after breakfast, perhaps, sluggish (5).” I have L?G?Y. 23dn:...
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27, an old name for a cockerel or rooster
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I had to do a lot of cold solving before I could be sure which were the rogues, but once they were identified it all fell into place quite neatly. A few words to add to the vocabulary, too. Many...
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This is a seriously good crossword. Nothing too hard but full to bursting with thematic material, something to smile at in every clue. Wonderful stuff, Ranunculus. I can't say I completely understand...
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7ac 4/7A Uni gym backed hosting musical about game villain 7 I have ??N???????T 4d I have U?I?? TIA...
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At last an absolute cowson. This is what we have been waiting for all year. 5 half-clues solved and already fighting the urge to give up....

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