I'm a fit and healthy 23 year old but I would really like to get the flu jab as I've had the flu badly several years in a row in the past where I've required the doctor to come out and now I have a...
my friend has started to see a married man. he says he loves her and has intentions of leaving his wife for her(not sure whether this will happen, i only have her word on the situation). I dont think...
1, find someone better first, then finished the wrong relationship 2,finish the unsatisified realtionship first, then being single for a while then start looking for another one 3, keep the...
if u moved abroad for a year to earn 70k per year and you got NOTHING but grief from your girlfriend would you 1) go to a brothel 2)dump the winging ho 3)start a different relationship 4)post this on...