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Can i use air purifier oils in my humidifier??
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Shortly after using face book to video chat ---an icon has appeared at the top of screen to say "your camera and microphone are being shared" -click to control sharing!! When i click nothing...
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My desk top monitor is set to go into stand-by mode after 5 mins of inactivity. However, it keeps coming back on randomly for 5 mins. every now and then, although i am nowhere near it.--is this a...
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I have searched all over -------blue star shaped / similar leaves to campanula / (without the bell)/SOME OF THE FLOWERS HAVE 5 PETALS -SOME HAVE 6!!!!...
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Whenever I use C.Cleaner; shortly afterwardsI I find that I have to re-sign in to my hotmail using my password etc. (including a message that a code will be sent to my phone for security) How do I...
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I went on to I player the day following a programme that i had missed. The original programme lasted 20 mins. Yet when i viewed it only 13 mins was on the video!!! What may have happened??
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How much (on average ) water is used over a 2 hour cleaning of garden flags?
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I went on to the Northern league cricket website to view resent results, The results page came up but the only information showed was the total scores but not individual performances like I got last...
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I have always understood that the basic rule is to make a new word (or words) using a letter (or letters) that are already on the board. I recently played a game in which my opponent did the...
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I put my Pc into "sleep" mode at night--resulting in the tower flashing a blue light. This morning it had "awoken" on its own (steady blue light)---Is this a normal occurence [such as a download...
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My PC is set to "sleep" if inactive for so long----when it does so the red light on the modem comes on.( Should the modem switch off when the PC goes to sleep??) When I bring the Pc out of sleep (by...
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I am frequently asked to dis-able add-ons in order to speed up browsing----what would I not be able to perform if I did??
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What are the latest opinions regarding which is best {for overnight} :- sleep/hibernate/hybrid sleep/shut down.?. I have a Dell tower with windows 7. Opinions out there please
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I have just sent away for a digital on/off light switch timer as I have been using the "segment " type up yo now. However I have just been reading more details about the product from the seller and it...
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My desk top PC is set so that the monitor goes off after 5 mins if not used. ( All I have to do is move the mouse and my Homepage comes on). For the last 2-3 days however, I have been getting the...
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Last week at our retired social meeting, we had a game of Table Tennis and someone claimed that if you serve 2 lets(due to catching the net), the next attempt must be good otherwise you lose the...
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If a player plays the ball back during a rally before it bounces and it was obviously going to go off the end of the table---what is the ruling. Has the player made a foul shot by playing before it...
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I planted some lettuce seeds into a tray of compost about 4-5 weeks ago. Seedlings came through after about 14 days (showing the seed leaves) and reached a height of approx. 1/2". However--that was...
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Sometimes lately I get no response from the u-tube picture as regards the music playing ---but if I come away and try u-tube using I.E. --no problem.Please explain
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What does it mean when I get no response from the cursor [merely a " ping" sound] resulting in having to shut down and restart?...

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