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18D. Bird suffering pain when wings are cut off (6) M_R_I_ Martin? Merlin? Which? why? !
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Still trying to find answers to the following: Ban Ghana (6.4) Chinese staple food in home village of keeper famous for playing with a broken neck (16.4) Italian soup for Caesar's troops (5.6) The 3...
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which books became these films ? dead men tell no tales after office hours light up the sky
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Late perfumed animals (5,7,5 letters) Envious measure? (9 letters) A non-moving buzzer (7 letters) Could you wear this (3 letters) Strong Potters first name (5 letters) 
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Does anyone know if a correction for this clue has been printed in The Times? rabet
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 the letters are-- ernmssloyocultfrdhgoviuesowiaueg----7words, 4,4,7,3,4,3,7 clue overnight deterioration

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