Someone lately, has been regularly reporting some of my answers, I don't mind, but I would like that person to come clean, be upfront, and say why. Thanks.
Hi is their a way that i can delete everythin that ive searched for in google? for example when it says stored when i search for the same thing more than one time?
hi my number 8 key and letter i keys av fell off my laptop,my laptop is still under warranty with fujitsu,will they fix the keys for free without any questions asked?
Can any computer geeks out there hep me. My computer keeps crashing.Norton 2006 won't work because I have Vista and it sin't compatable with norton06. I think I opened a spam email with a virus. Cos I...
Hello there, I am with BT Yahoo Broadband,and have(until now) experienced no problems. However,BT have now sent ,me an email telling me that I have exceed my Broadband allowance,which is 5Gb per...
Can some kind person check this laptop out for me an let me know if i can burn CDS an DVDS on it thanx eless-Unichrome-Graphics/dp/B000NDBPR6/ref=sr_...
Im a complete novice and want to learn wot tools i need and how to start copyin tunes off limewire onto a CD,im on windows vista home basic an just wondered if any1 knew of an idiots guide website...
When my subscription to Norton expired a few weeks ago, I downloaded free editions of AVG, Comodo, & Spybot. Now it takes at least 12 minutes to start up every time. Is this usual? I also get a lot of...
Hi. Someone I know is suffering from depression. They are also unaware what day it is and believe the TV are making up football scores. The Dr was called out to this person, and, when asked how they...