There is apparently an app which can be added to a smartphone to identify which bird is singing. I don't have a smartphone (gave it away). Would it possible to add it to a laptop using a mike in... ... But how can there be a punishment which fits this crime, will it be a fine & a slap on the wrists? What does the... ...
Do you ever get brief emails saying something like, 'Are you OK?' or 'How are things?' etc. To which I'm expected to give an account of my life's recent events. I do, and they drive me nuts.... ...
'There are many misunderstandings about Israel in the international media, but one of the most bewildering is the suggestion that if it weren't for the presence of Benjamin Netanyahu the war would... ...
The charges against activist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson were dropped today (Tuesday) after a judge at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court found that a police order banning him from a... ...
In his speech to the politicians, [ House of Lords] Dawkins railed against the ‘debauching of language’ and the assault on science and reason. In particular, he took aim at Gender Studies... ...
Has anyone ever had this done in the UK ? I have a cheap watch which despite that fact, I like very much. It has packed up & I was wondering if a new movement could be fitted.
..... It seems our elected politicians aren't either listening, are unaware, or simply don't care. Do you? I'm placing this in R&S but it could equally be in... ...
In a recent daft AB chatterbank thread asking us to tell of something unusual about ourselves, one of the things I posted was that I had once given the future Lord Queensbury a black eye, - quite... ...
We just watched the first 2 episodes; brilliant photography in b/w. Good acting all slightly, uncomfortaby menacing, no bad language, excellent original plot & script, original story by Patricia... ...
Having recently been described as 'dusting off' the topic of R&S on AB (with some sucess dare I think!). May I continue with this small, but important offering from my very good 'old friend' Alan... ...
... is it at least a 90° one? 😃 ...