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1881 to 1881 of 1881

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I have a mirabelle tree at the moment laden with fruit; they are like small plums but not as favoursome. Would they be suitable for jam making with perhaps another fruit added for taste, if so what...
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The woods around these parts in Southern Germany are plagued with ticks. Our new rescue dog loves to go for walks in the forests ( so do we ). We have tried various treatments of the spot-on type but...
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New computer came with German keyboard, didn't like it so replaced it with my old UK English one which now operates as if it was American. ie. the pound sybol shows # etc. Last time I requested help...
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I recently experimented by installing a German keyboard - it has a slightly different layout and contains umlauts etc.- I didn't like it and reverted to my English one, everything is back as it was...
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The default setting of dimensions in Photoshop is always given in inches and I have to manually change everything into centimeters all the time. Can I change this please ?
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In 'my pictures' when I now try to rename a picture I get a message 'If you change the file name extension the file may become unusable are you sure you want to change it' if I say yes the picture...
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What is the best way to propagate bluebells from their seeds ?
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How do I remove myself from Facebook please?
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Does anyone know of easily printable UK TV listings,-and before anyone says 'Buy a newspaper' I can't because I live overseas. Thank you!
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What is the difference between DVD+R discs and DVD-RW dics, and what does 4x speed or 16 x mean please.
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Does anyone manufacture spike soled or metal-studded footwear other than golf or running shoes to make walking on ice safer? There would seem to be a large gap in the market as I can't find anything...
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If a sum of money is deposited in an offshore (Isle of Man) account by a UK taxpayer and interest on it is paid gross, does the bank automatically inform the British Inland Revenue of the fact and...
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I have a circa 1950's German, Noris Trumpf halogen 5x5 +6x6 cm. slide projector, which I use a lot for my work. It has suddenly started to turn off the light for a few seconds and then come back on...
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Has anyone ever attempted to compile a list of the physical appearance of the characters in Joyce's novel? For example Stephen Dadalus is rather scruffy (Bohemian) and has a bushy moustache,- he he...
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I have received some files as attachments to an email. When I try to open them I get the pop up message; ' This file does not have a program associated with it, create an association in the folder...
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Does anyone know what kind of ink is used in the manufacture of felt-tip pens, and if it is available for purchase in loose (liquid) form. I would like to use it in a painting using large brush...
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I often send emails in English but with large sections of text in another language (French or German) I'm happy when I hit 'Send' to have my English checked, but every single word in the other...
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I am in the habit of switching on my computer and wandering away while it opens up. Sometimes it automatically goes online - which I don't want - and sometimes it doesn't. It is anoying to return and...
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I am to give a talk with images which will be projected onto a screen from a computer. I have all the pictures on a usb stick and I am trying to put them in the sequence I require, but whatever I do...

1881 to 1881 of 1881

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