My young niece asked me if it was true that the Virgin Mary was physically lifted into heaven. I blustered a bit as I was not really sure of the basis of her question. Is there a reference to this...
Despite millions (billions?) of pounds spent on funding prestigious institutions and mega-projects, ask what these scientific 'breakthroughs' add up to and clear answers seem elusive. By the time...
For a few weeks my Border Collie has been scratching for no apparent reason - nothing to see. He hasn't got fleas (confirmed by vet) and he is groomed regularly using a Furminator which gets out all...
Interestingly it was thought that for him to enter the bag and lock it then a third person was required. However a Mail reader today came up with an alternative solution. His experience at working at...
I feel heartbroken i've been married 5 years now and 2 months back my business of 15 years went down the pan, the bank repossessed my car and home and we went through a tough time, i had to get any...
Urged on by the likes of Richard Dawkins and others, telling the audience to "dare to use its common sense", the modern theologian and layman theist has to ask them to listen to some very...
Just been reminded of something I thought was funny. Got a little airfield near here which seems to be mostly used by gliders. Bosses wife was hanging around the office one day when a glider was being...
I haven't even watched the event for decades let alone vote, but he will certainly get my vote regardless of the song - just for true grit. Will you vote for him?
I know I could Google...but thought I would ask here for inspiration.Anyone have interesting Turkish ideas for a dinnerparty.? I have friend coming for Easter...and we all had a great hoilday together...
I'm trying to remember the word used in connecting something or somewhere named after a person, usually the inventor or discoverer, as in Magellan straits, Washington DC or Biro pens. It identifies...
OK I optimistically ticked the box which said I'd like to be considered for a FP but I think I'd be very lucky to get away with that. OK I'm prepared for the brick bats from the motoring evangelist...
They may be necessary, though having 4 splashed on the page is too much, however i am quite disturbed by the fact that a site i recently looked up and purchased an item from now appears when i open...
Who are they kidding? of all the great movies I have ever seen, less than half (much less) were produced by Hollywood. Film critic; Barry Norman recently gave his list of "The Hundred Best...
I am selling an illustrated book on ebay and I know that one of the bidders, if she is successful, would break up the book and sell it page by page to maximise profit, which I think would be a pity....
I hope that this is the right place, tossed up between here and hobbies. I have a silver 1920's nail buffer which came to me needing a new chamois. The silver mount is held onto the wooden base with...