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Ok well kinda hard to describe however im looking for a dance tune maybe 2007 with loadsa cheerleaders playing pretend horns, only seen the vid once on mtv dance so i cant remember much else :( its...
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What the hell is slash wearing over his trousers in this video ? ya can see it best when hes outside the church ! need to see what these are called coz omg its makes me pmsl is it cowboy wear or...
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Hi all ! i would love to know how many songs Kiss have released with the lyrics "rock and roll" in Etc rock and rool all night but also other songs not named rock and roll but just the words rock and...
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I just want to know the maximun working hours for the uk as my company is asking somthing like 54 hours per week ! any replys very welcome i wanna know the law before i go for it with the manager ! :)
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As above lol how far is it from birmingham uk to the center of california usa ? is there a web site that can calculate this ? Thanks
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Please can sombody tell mw the title of the music on the spec savers advert ? its a bit of drum and bass ! love it Please help !!!
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IS there some kind of driver I can download that will enhanbce the quality of downloaded photos?
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Is it true that once you install a printer in XP you can't uninstall it. In other words it there for good.
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Why would using a 'phone extension lead cause problems with a broadband modem? Extension's fine, connections are fine, but when using the extension cable, there's a no dial tone error.
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Hello I was wondering how to save a video clip (this one ) i want to save the 3 videos onto my hard drive but dont know how to do it !! i...

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