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I have a gorgeous 2 year old samoyed, he is absolutely beuatiful & so loving, but unfortunately due to circumstances, we need to re home him. We had a Dobermann pup whenAshke was 1yr old, and the...
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at what age is a ghd fully grown
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red rubies
Anyone know any numbers where I can report animal cruelty please. Or a website?
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when i walk my 17 month old springer spaniel she constantly pulls on the lead, does anyone have any tips on how to stop her from doing this. many thanks.
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Our dog (3 year old collie, male, neutered) has started to randomly bite people for no reason. He bit someone he knows very well yesterday after she had been in the house an hour, while she was just...
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I know that you're not supposed to take your puppy out until after all the jabs,but as I have an open garden this time I cannot be certain that it is dog 'free',in fact I have often seen dogs wander...
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Hi, I will be getting a puppy soon and the breeder has recommended that I buy a cage/crate. I just don't know if I agree with this..? She says to use it for them during the day, for them to sleep in...
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I have an 18 month labrador bitch. After a walk cross country through puddles and mud she is quite wet and muddy. She goes mad when we get home frantically scratching her pawson the floor, whining,...
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I have a 6 month old male Bichon Frise and he scratches a lot, mostly his ears until they bleed but other areas too. I have read lots of conflicting advice. Some say that it is best to ignore the...
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As i had such a lot of support from a lot of you kind people a few months ago,when my Great Dane India was so poorly ,I just thought i would let you all know that to-day I had my faithful 12 year old...
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Hi I've just registered and it seems like there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site so I thought I would ask for some advice. I love dogs and am interested with working with them in some...
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We're thinking of getting a dog and wondered if anyone knew what sort is best for young children, who are all under 5 yrs old thanks
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Can anyone give me a rough cost of sterilizing my bitch plus all jabs and possible micro chip ? I have pet insurance but ive been told this doesnt cover these sort of procedures ?
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How long does a cat stay in season for? I would like my cat to get pregnant however I do not want her straying from home. Would I be able to put her in a room with a cat she dosent know without her...
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What causes a dog to continue shaking his head ,like he is trembling
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what does any one think to a cocker wearing a water proof coat ? I have always been of a mind that a cocker is a working dog and can cope with all weathers but when we go out and its tipping down ,...
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We are going to see the above puppy on saturday, we are looking for advise about these dog and children. We have 3 children aged 17 12 and 6 years , what sort of thing should we ask and look for when...
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I am looking to get a little dog and am not sure what breed will suit me, I lost my little dog 14yrs old last year.I was going to get mini dashoud but that is out so is Jackrussell I carnt have...
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my dog has been acting odd. he has gone off his food and always wants to go outside, can he smell a bitch in heat ?
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Following on from a debate with lankeela does anyone have an unbiased opinion based on experience rather than emotion on the use of shocking dog collars? My personal experiences are very positive...

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