Every time I print something off on my Lexmark from computer it always misses about 3 to 4 inches from the right hand side, its so annoying, Im sure there must be a simple answer, can someone help,...
Several of weeks ago my partner became deaf in one ear and the doctor said he cant syringe it because the wax needed to be softened first by pouring olive oil into it . He has used more oil in his ear...
a relative has passed away and i was the last person to be told that the relative has left "a bit of money for me." i was then told that they didnt know how much as it had to go through probate. Can...
Im not technically minded but please help;what is the best and easiest camera to use with my computer and whats this about magapixels? How do I plug it in etc.
My partner didnt drink enough in hot weather and suffered headaches, lack of energy and exhaustion. Drinking plenty of water for 3 days he was almost back to normal. If salt was put in the water would...