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watching this come dancing. now kelly brooke is truly stunning as is aleisha ( hope i spelled it right) but whos the best dancer? whos sexiest? and who would you ...........?? ladies may answer too if...
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does anyone know if a cherry tree and a rowan tree has very deep roots i have each to chop down and also want to dig up the roots will it be hard to get the roots out they are both about 20 feet high...
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Having just returned from Florida, I noticed over there they only have white eggs. We only have brown eggs. I recall back in the seventies, just after we joined the Common Market, as it was then, all...
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Am I not the only one that is just not feeling the excitement over chistmas this year? Every way I turn in shop's it's just christmas christmas christmas, and I feel pressured into buying it as I know...
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I found this site when I googled a gardening question in April? How did you find Answer Bank? I must admit I am slightly addicted. :)
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The helpful words, advice and completely unbiased views he has are an inspiration. If you see this post village vicar, I want to say thanks very much for your valued input. You are a very wise person...
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I have an infestation of Ladybirds. They are nesting in the window frames and any cavity they can find. I back on to woodland and had this problem last year. This year it's worse. They are crawling...
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leviathan 1
Is there a poison on the market that will eradicate cats from my garden? When they're not destroying songbirds they're deficating in my flowerbeds.Thanks
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Bewlay Bros.
As you may know I enjoy animals and nature. But what, in your opinion, is the cutest animal in the world. Yes baby bears make people go "Arrrrrrrrr, but so do most young mammals. So is it the...
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of icecream? It has to be banana!!!
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I think Autumn s the very prettiest season in England. Love the varying colours of the leaves, the mornings and evenings are "crisp" but not cold, and the days pleasant... VIVA AUTUMN
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This morning I drove past a field and there was a digger or tracker, and on the end of the pick up hook there was a cow in a sling suspended about two foot off the ground. First of all I thought it...
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My mum died suddenly and unexpectedly last weekend. I have been in Newcastle with my family for a week and came home yesterday. Now I can't motivate myself for anything. I have two kids who need me to...
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As some of you will know, my Hubby has been quite ill again with Cancer and into his first week of chemo. Well, he felt a bit better today so decided to make simple dinner for us as we have had a...
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Little Grape has come home he is still very weak and tired but he is home and well. He had the happiest face in the world when we walked into our house and he saw all the cards, ballons and presents...
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Hi all! I am picking up my little kitten Jess on thursday (thanks to Smudge for the name!), and will bring her to the vet the next day for her injections and check up. I am now wondering if pet...
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Right will start you of with this one as I think its the best one and what is your caption to it. The best caption wins a free entry pass to leg ends sex shop....
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VillageVicar I find you to be a sustaining breath of air to this site and I enjoy reading your answers and comments. Bless you.
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Shadow Man
Sing along with wardy "Swing lo, sweet chariot" la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
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My neighbours through the wall fight all bloomin day, early doors they wake me up shouting and bawling and theyre fighting now, theres aggro on AB again, folk in the office bicker and fight. I never...

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