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Im so glad you find my little monster funny ,I took him to a sunday market in chepstow yesterday , oh was that fun he barked at a bulldog, attacked a staffie ,and ate everything off the floor that I...
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thanks to everyone for their kinds words etc - Still no Chester, we've combed the neighbourhood put up posters, contacted the council, vets, Blue Cross etc... guess its just a waiting game now I'll...
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Please tell me it isn't just my comp now . It has just taken me 16 mins to submit one answer . I kept getting server error etc . Anyone else having trouble ?
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right looks like its gonna be a bit dead on here tonight . so in anticipation ive decided to throw a party. ive got l;otsa lger vodka and red vodka too. so if anyone wants to join in then pop in here....
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Has anyone else seen that they're going to remake Love Thy Neighbour, but the black people will be affluent and cultured, and a white trash couple are going to move in next door, much to their horror....
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It's two years tomorrow since my lovely husband died (he was only 47). Some days, I'm fine - normal, happy self - but others, I'm so down in the depths of despair. I don't really know how to explain,...
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One of our casseroles was dropped and has an internal crack which has not gone though to the outside . Can it still be used or repaired or do we 'bin' it?
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Are all Scottish people as daft as ar$eholes ?
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Handsome George is just about to get his first adult tooth. When we had our last puppy I saved his milk teeth but they've disappeared. Do milk teeth just dissolve? Am I wasting my time?
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This isn't necesarily a question because I know what I need to do but someone may come up with a magical solution I haven't considered.... Basically I have 4 year old part maine-**** tabby; he weighs...
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I have a coldwater tank with 5 whitecloud minnows and 3 zebra dannios and all has been well for 2 years. Over the last week I have noticed that one of the dannios has a small white spot like growth on...
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Don't you love it when a song you haven't heard in an age comes on the radio? I tried to play The Cars' "My Best Friend's Girl" on Youtube a couple of days ago, but my computer is coal powered, and...
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Rant of the day ! Do some folk think we are mind readers ? Why oh why can they not put the clues as well as any letters.What good is eg, GK 6D 2A to people who don't all take the same newspapers and...
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my daughter is 4 in december she keeps going on at me about having swimming lessons,at what age can they start,im ringing the local baths tomoz but thought id ask you lot on here first thasnkyou
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dan no1
i have a telephone interview tomorrow morning, any ideas as to what questions they might ask me? its for customer service advisor for british gas. thanks
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where can i buy cheap wine and beers iv been told france but where
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the thing in everyday life that annoys you the most?
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I've had at least 4 absolutely massive spiders running around in my house,in the last 2 weeks,and as a complete arachnaphobe,my nerves are in shreds here :-( It's always happened when I've been on my...
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Do you know that it takes less than 30 people to find two with the same birthday. Not the year but the day and month. I'll bet we can find 2 on here with the same birthday..........mine is 4th...
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I am looking for 1 roll of soft banqueting paper for a party. all I can see on the net are shiny ones but the one I am looking for is more like J cloth texture. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance....

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