coins of the world, past or present: 5 letters, fourth letter R - 6 letters, ending with K - 7 letters, fifth letter V - 8 letters, third letter N - 10 letters, ending with G -11 letters, third letter...
Looking for a love song title from anagram of YLIUOVON then the artist who originally recorded it. I can see th obvious -you ,lovin and only but it appears to be a letter missing. Any assistance...
20d - small terrestrial bird of the genus turnix, occurring in the old world? 28d - Small primitive marine molluscs with elongated bodies covered with eight overlapping shell plates? Thak you in...
Stuck with two. 7a and 9d. 7a Fine earthenware with a translucent body ( sounds like me just now after a few hours of tussling with this x word -translucent and fragile) 9d Succulents chosen initially...
Wher was I? question 2 Asks for name of the 17th cent, politician who famously issued a declaration, as a result of which an infamous judge (Probably The Hanging Judge - jefferies or Jeffreys) was to...