I'm three-quarters of the way through this, but have got stuck. Any help would be appreciated. 19 A. Chromosome in time securing regional father figure? (5) i???n? (The 'i' is not certain) 37 A....
Last one. 46A - Immediately curtailed alkaloid found in tea (4). Wordplay has either one extra or one less letter. I have T?EN. Also can anyone give me a start on what to highlight in the grid. I have...
I got off to a good start, but am now stuck - any help greatly appreciated. 30 A. Certainly one's eaten cod (3) ??k 35 A. Blame English lord for the most part (4) ??re NB There are 'single-letter...
Hello I'm a bit perturbed about 5 down: Strap bone with a finger ring (7) (there is a misprint in the definition) But, there are only 5 spaces on the grid, so is a 5 or 7 letter word (or am I going...
Anyone completed this? I have cracked the theme and obeyed the instruction accordingly with the preamble. However I find that the last entry which fills 48ac is one letter short. Anyone in same...
Is nobody but me having any difficulty with this? I have solved many of the clues but cannot spot any "thematic modification" that would enable me to actually enter anything. Could somebody...
I think I have finished this crossword, but I still cannot see which clue gives the letter "o" in the character who disappeared. Am i missing something?