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Kozmic Blues

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Kozmic Blues
Is it safe to feed my dog most veg with her Christmas dinner?
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Kozmic Blues
My dog (Golden) keeps jumping up on the counters, when I say 'off' she gets down. She is really cheeky, she wants a reaction from me. The problem is she continually jumps up, and tries to lick the...
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With lots and lots and lots of love from me xxxxxxxx
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just to say i hope you all have a lovely day, full of love and good times, catch you all soon here with some cheeky questions and answers love curlyfilm.....................
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a) still wrapping presents? b) been out on the lash? c) bad body clock and can`t sleep til at least 4am? d) waiting to see santa? me..c
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Doe's anybody know how long it can take to get rid of a really bad tummy bug.. It is some kind of gastric flu which we have all had for about a month on and off.. We do all the fasting then the light...
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do female reindeers have antlers
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Kozmic Blues
What type of beetle is this? Came home on some new furniture from the DIY store. 6/DSC01199.jpg *Kozmic*
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Kozmic Blues
OK, so I know this is not the animal section and I will probably get told off, but it is one of the most busy sections so I wanted to put it here, I really need to get up to a least 100 signatures or...
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Kozmic Blues
I have set up a petition to Ban the unnecessary dyeing of fish. This is an act where fish are dipped or injected with dye. It is to make bigger profits for the seller. It is sad to see the fish arrive...
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can german shepard dogs drink milk or is i bad for them?
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I read recently that sharks aren't fish, why not?
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Dr. Bigalow
Does anyone know of a reputable aquarium service provider in the Toronto area that can come and clean my saltwater aquarium on a regular basis?
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We have been adopted by two feral cats, and they are starting to become fairly tame with members of our household. How can we tell how old they are? How can we sex them without going too near (we are...
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Not a question, but just to let people know that Desert Orchid died today. The old grey did more to bring racing into people's lives than almost any other horse. A sad day for racing.
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I keep seeing 'lol' in sentences. For the Oxford graduates (once removed) what does it mean?
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Dr. Bigalow
Would an aquarium help pass the time while waiting in the "waiting room" of your Dentist or Doctor? If yes, please elaborate as to why and how it would help. Thank you for your valuable feedback!
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Try this without going aaaaaaah
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Have a good day tomorrow!!! We Can all be spooky together!!! LOL
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Kozmic Blues
What do you people think of Tim Burton Films? I like Edward scissor-hands.

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