Has lifted at saffend and the game is on with chelsea. Come on you saffenders. What you reckon 1-0 to saffend then. Whoops sorry for posting this here but I thought you lot would answer first
Despite the offer of a substantial pay rise, Kaka doesn't want to move from Milan to Manchester. No offence to anyone from Manchester, but ... ... well ... Duuhhh !!!
Just thought i'd put this link up, it can be said to be on sided, but it does give a clearer picture of the whole. http://www.honestreporting.com/a/gaza2008prime r.html
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/78437 /Organs-we-donate-go-to-foreigners If one did not wish this to happen, then a way round this could be a clause on the donor card, stating that the organ...
Hi there my friend joined this site a little while back, and is being harrased by a member of this site, via emails. Can she complain to the company that run this site? What is being emailed to her is...
20 across,From the sea i returned to the river (4) A_R_ 23across, Lady , one entering hostile land (5) _I_DA 27down, Urn placed against rough sea (4) V_S_
are on here at this moment, there is one sure fire way to find out. I want everybody who is on here at this moment to reply to this and say yes I am on here and if you are not on here just say no I am...
Did everyone who was sending texts about this case go on the marches today? And did as many march as were disgusted? Do people prefer to complain than to actively march? Or did more people march ?...
1, Down, Just this rogue reforms (9) ?I?????U? 2, Down, Soldier expected to be supernatural (10) ?A?????M?L 12,Across, Making a polythene bed is unacceptable (6,3,4) ?????D ?H? P?l?
Bought myself a mini pack of Ferrero Rocher this morning and was just about to treat myself to one when the furry monster discovered it. After a quick game of table football he's now run off with it...