Our neighbour has chickens and is selling eggs. How much would A/B's expect to pay for these eggs. Just curious for others views (I know how much they are charging)
what exactly is haggis? is it something made from different parts of animals or is it an animal itself? i did google but the answer was unsatisfactory. thanks for taking the time to answer.
Had this a while ago on holiday and have meant to try i a home ever since but not being very familiar with cous cous i have never had the courage - I am ok with roasting veg, do that all the time but...
What is it with you people on this site? I completed this quiz in six hours by myself and you lot are not going to be happy til the whole world has all the answers. If you can't do it just leave it...
Following on from fabemmy's post a few day's ago, I had scrambled eggs this morning as suggested by hammerman (no milk, bit of nutmeg, salt, plenty of pepper). It works!! Good call by hammerman. I...
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