I am in uni studying history and for my specialist subject im studying the First World War!! Everyone in my class and the lecturer keeps goin on about how thew second world war soldiers never went...
Two OAP's having oral sex. He says, 'I can't stay down there, it stinks.'
She says, 'It's my arthritis.'
'What in your f*nny?'
'No in my arm, I can't wipe my a*se.'
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=491488&in_page_i d=1770 Just another step to the complete break up of the traditional family. How can a child have two...
Could not find the most appropriate topic on which to post this, but seeing it concerns newspapers perhaps this is ok. What is most annoying is the fact that when reading them it is a constant battle...
Here we go again racist or not, would I be equally racist to say in my opinion, she looks more like a South Sea islander than a Jew. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles...
Dame Helen said: "I can't look at anything to do with childbirth. It absolutely disgusts me." Dame Helen Mirren has revealed why she has never had children, blaming a shocking childbirth film she was...
I used to want to be an actor, and one of the reasons I was against the conservatives was because i was under the impression that they were going to cut funding for performing arts, but I have been...
He says that there wont be an election this year or next, who said this country wasn't turning in to a junta. the horrid little dictator is going to turn this country into a European puppy. Its a...
IF we get an election, read this and think to your self that this is what Blair and Brown have done to the country. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7025 381.stm (A lady shot on a London...
Has anyone else seen that they're going to remake Love Thy Neighbour, but the black people will be affluent and cultured, and a white trash couple are going to move in next door, much to their horror....
Is it possible to be: White, British, against an open door immigration policy and not be a Racist? I don't think I am superior to any other race. A racist is abusive or aggressive towards members of...
Do the BNP stand any chance of getting some mps elected? I think if they get just one mp then people will start to realise they are not like the image they are given by the papers
So a chief constable has said her force needs more staff and resources to cope with the pressures caused by a sudden influx of migrant workers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7001768.stm Article says:...
If (hypothetically ) britain was at war with a muslim country, say for example Pakistan, would the pakistan people in this country go and fight alongside our soldiers, would they be concientious...
The Lib Dems want to "hammer" couples who earn over ?70k and single workers who earn more than ?46k. Well that's a sure fire vote winner isn't it? Tit.
This may sound weird, but last night my four year old cousin told my aunt last night to get out of the bedroom as she wanted to talk to madeline. When my aunt asked where madeline the four year old...