A doctor responsible for carrying out breast cancer scans misread 28 results, a report says. The mistakes have led to a review of almost 2,500 mammograms, amid fears that more may have been flawed....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=433830&in_page_i d=1770 I've never liked the man, but then again i am a Tory voter, but, even his most ardent supporters...
The case of a 13 year old girl who has been excluded from school for more than a year has again raised the issue of whether this is the correct approach to deal with disruptive children. Instead of...
Police are now to be issued with a softly. softly guide on how to raid Muslim homes. Officers are told to treat them with the same reverence as Mosques. When seaching homes for terrorist suspects,...
Hi everyone I'm doing a presentation on privacy and security. I would like to get your opinions on whether or not ID cards being introduced is for the better or worse. What are the advantages and...
Does anyone know how I can keep tabs on the 5p a litre off your petrol if you spend ?50 instore, without having to drive to the store, Their websites are not at all helpful.
China has recently implemented a maximum of 1 dog per household which follows on from the successful 1 child per household policy. The growing numbers of dogs there means more control of rabies and...
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion358938.html I see those that don't have the ability to discuss this topic take it to another one. For all those that have an informed opinion,...
The neighbours at the back of our garden have erected a large balcony above roof height - it looks like Stalag 13! They only got the seaview because we took down some huge lleylandi, but they now...
Please go onto this site http://petitions.PM.gov.uk/traveltax/ and register your vote with Downing St against this proposed plan. pls ask your friends to do. many tks Dee
It was on the Radio today that the goverment was thinking of stopping muslim soldiers going to Iraq and Afghanistan as they would be fighting other muslims why should they be treated any different to...
I have an open mind on the question I am about to ask, and would plead for a reasoned debate. In view of the threat to the people of this country from extremist terrorists, should those charged by the...
Would anyone be willing enough to answer me the following questions. Am attempting to research my final year dissertation and driving myself crazy in the process. it won't take you long, pretty...
Richard Branson is to branch out into stem cell research. The proposed company would allow families to store stem cells from their child's umbilical cord with a view to these cells being used to help...
The fence between my property and my neighbours is her fence [ deeds have been checked ] and she has had different firms round to take a look as it does need replacing. She is an old lady and since...
hi all , my problem is that birds in the morning gather on my aerial and their droppings fall onto my new block paved drive or onto my car ! so does any one know of any product/paste etc. that i can...