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... from COSTCO today? I have orders from from just about everyone else I know....
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Sorry if this has been posted before, but I really have to remind you all of this referendum. I am obliged to do this, as some of you forgot to do your Census in time, so I will do the right thing in...
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making me angry watching this. People moaning about houses they are in. A couple moaning house damp and cold, rent is £500 a month. Council pay £360, couple have to pay £140. Get a...
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CanisMajor Looks like the "NO" campaign are winning the argument. Have the public finally seen through this crackpot idea?...
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I am going on holiday soon and i was going to leave my cat with my sister, who owns my cats brother. Has anyone done this before worried about my cat straying .
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My toilet bowl has become stained. usually Domestos and a brush do the trick but not this time. Can anyone recommend another product which may be more effective?
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Just watched Cougar Town on Living +1
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Do you get respect over the age of 70yrs?
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Why are the media referring to the fact that when William is king his wife will be Queen Catherine? How can this be when The Queen is accompanied by Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh and not by...
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Has anyone used OVENU? If so, any idea of the cost of cleaning a double oven and would you recommend them. May be you have other recommendations? (I'm in Hampshire)
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I am aware that many of my suggestions have failed to meet with the Ed's approval because they have concerned the Rules and Regulations of AB. However, hopefully, remaining now within the R's &...
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What is the general opinion of specsavers, are they expensive or just middle of the road.I am going there for the first time this week, but I dont want to be overcharged,
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Is there any way of getting rid of wasps? I seem to have a whole load of them in my garden. I leave my back door open for my dog to go in and out of the garden and I must have at least 10 in the...
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Surely the issue we should be addressing is that a moderator who is supposed to keep this site in check in the absence of the Ed's - was drunk and posting. How can a Mod moderate a site if a...
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If an elderly relative died at home during the night, who would you ring? I don't mean family, i mean doctors/hospital, etc? The doctors will obviously be shut & it obviously won't be a 999...
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Hi, How can I encourage birds onto my bird table? I've had all sorts of treats on it for the past three days but no birds. am I doing something wrong? Hollyuk...
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Has anyone got a cat falp which reads microchips? Are they any good? One of the neighbourhood cats is coming into our house and marking its terriritory. We have a standard cat flap and 2 cats of our...
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Is it worth living experiencing London life ? Is it good in terms of work etc ? Is really a hustle bustle ? Public transport any good ?
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just a quick update for those who advised. i have spoken to the farm we got her from last year. They say that a fertilised egg won't do any good at this late stage as she is nearing the time when...
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As I get older I find I get very picky about spelling and the misuse of words On a social network site there's an ad for a game describing it as 'ADDICTING'. Every time I see it it makes me cross and...

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