Despite New Years Eve celebrations I've nearly completed the grid! I'm just stuck on which 'dame' to put in 35down (4) SA_A
Can anyone help please
Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!...
Have only a few to get before I can tackle the theme.
36 D. Artist off leash (4) ??l?
37Poet's thoroughly trend (and foxy) (4) ??l?
Thanks for any assistance....
Anyone doing this? Have hit a slump - any advice,tips would be welcome. 45 A. Partners firstly reject grooms (7) ?ea?t?? 43 A. Mentors' reprimands about mild expletive (6) t?l??? NB - There's a single...
Really enjoyable & satisfying crossword - but I've no idea about the "highlight a cryptic seven-letter represation"
Any ideas would be appreciated
Thanks in advance...
This will make sense only to anyone who has a copy of this puzzle in front of them! I've finished the grid, as the preamble instructs - but I'm not sure if I'm correct having 13 A as one of the eight...