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Lauchie mac

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Lauchie mac
How much Would You Pay for a 1.99 er?
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Hello Friends.  Any idea why I'm the bad guy tonight?  I'm a tad confused as I'm not aware of deliberately annoying anyone ce soir!  Sometimes the devil gets the better of me but...
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Lauchie mac
is he out or not?
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Why do so many people on this call themselves elvis???? Come on the guy was fat!!!! Think al start callin maself Rik Woller
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Why do "i'm well solid like" people walk like penguins???
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 ("v")          /)/)   'v'         (=';'=)JUST       (,(""'),)FOR...
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Is the word "texmex" considered racist????
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ELVIS 68 has NOT changed his name. He was ELVIS 68 this afernoon and now he is at work so I can safely say he is still ELVIS 68
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dont want it the poor have got it and if you eat it or drink it you die.
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No, seriously??
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Lauchie mac
exactly wat it ses on the tin
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Lol like my spelling? Who are all these people?
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just got back from tgi fridays.....nice grub....but reminds me of the sketch in 'the catherine tate show'
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Lauchie mac
i got 1 in the mail thot i'd tell gayle she told dayle then i thot Bail so i started to sail but ma boat descided to fail
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whos this sicko?
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Any 1 else agree that duggy aint actually gt a sore leg?
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what is the word to describe them???

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