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What girls names begin with Q?
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Well most men i have met do anyway nearly all of them have at least once in their life cheated, what do you think???
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Whats with all this underlines and italics?? Why is this being allowed to happen? Its looks kr4p! Oh, great win for Newcastle today!! ;-)
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is cristinao roanldo single or still with gemma atkinson from hollyoakes
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Tough game at Villa today or just another 3 points? What do you think?
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why do some women put up with men hitting them /beating them? i know someone will say theyre scared of him. but i just cant get my head round why you would let someone do that to you . day after day i...
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why is it that you get drunk , and still keep drinking ? i dont mean justy 1 drink , but you know youre p1ssed and still you keep drinking. even though you know it will only make the hangover worse ....
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how are you today? What time did you get up? I just got up about 9:00, thought i was getting up at 7:00 but then i blinked and it was 2 hoours later. Got any plans for today? I'm going to visit some...
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why are they using lanes 2 to 9 instead of the usual 1 to 8
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can man city really win the premiership........?
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And manure go 2nd bottom. Utd are 8 points behind chelsea already, be it they have a game in hand in the ''must win'' game against spurs tomorrow. What with Liverpool & Arsenal also winning, utd...
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is it me or is the premiership a bit flat at the moment? hurry up back Rooney!!!
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To follow on from my earlier question about this subject. Can you please answer me this? If I have someone on my mind ALL day and find it very hard to get that someone out of my mind, is this...
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i have been visiting this site for a while now and have decided i want to join in ! need to know,what to do when the world seems against you ??? having a rough time and need to move on,but finding it...
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After 2 weeks of being banned & numerous emails to the AB Editor I have decided to leave this once decent site for good. This place started going downhill they day they changed the Sport section and...
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Calling all last seasons ABer's who decided to boycott this site due to the new layout. ED is not going to bow down and change it back to the old sports section, so why don't we just make the best of...
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I have just heard that if you see a fox this is a sign of good luck..Has anyone else heard this? Thanks x
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Is it Wembley Stadium or The Millenium Stadium that's roof closes fully? A colleague of mine was at Wembley Stadium last night and he said it was pouring with rain but they never closed the roof. They...
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Rob Styles is involved with a company which has just laid a path for Chelsea owner Roman Abromovich. I;me not suggesting anything underhand but it is all so bizzare

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