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I've only been with my new bloke for 3 months now and I noticed the other day a magnet has gone missing off my fridge of me and my ex at alton towers. I never kept it there because he's my ex, never...
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Was David Bentley right in pulling out of the England U21squad and leaving his teamates a player short?
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Just read this 31.stm Has justice been done?
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I have had a very bad evening, my children were playing out in the garden when a bunch of yobs started hurling stones at us, we gave them a mouthful and they gave us a load of abuse and laughed at us....
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dan no1
its my best mates 21st on sunday and i need to get her a present but i have no idea what to get her at all. any ideas would be great? thanks
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Just watched BB and I think Emily was made an exaple of, She didn't mean to be offensive, Charley made such a big issue of it all that Channel 4 had no choice but to act because of the Jane...
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What jobs do all you ABs do and do any of you actually enjoy them? Mine is mind numbingly boring which is why i'm on AB at 3.50pm in the afternoon....
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i heard on the radio,that the ****** word had been used on big brother,what happened,please enlighten me,i dont watch it.
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own up who reported my question ?
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I'm average weight (5ft6 and 9st). I have been thinner in the past, and heavier. I was always led to believe men like a slim toned body like jessica alba but loads of my male friends say they like a...
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For those drug takers singing the praises of the netherlands drug laws and the evils of alcohol compared to drugs. This will make interesting reading. Apparently they intend selling powdered alcohol...
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Is this what you want the Sport section to be like? ion416829.html Or this perhaps.....
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My friend is recovering from an eye op' and has to lay down facing the floor for 6 hours a day ! Can you please post some SHORT jokes for me to text him to keep his pecker up. TIA.
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this is very frightening .especially due to the high number of suspects from birmingham and the surrounding areas.youd expect better in these times of terror alerts....
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there is a rumour that henry is secretly looking at houses in the merseyside area and that benetiz is using eto to liverpool as a smokescreen, i know it sounds far fetched but arsenal maybe want to...
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Do the drug user's that use this site work, drive, have children? And please tell me if i've touched a raw nerve with some of you or you think i'm just being intrusive of your personel life.
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The person below has said that she feels her child has Tourettes. Many people self diagnose themselves thesedays and I feel it is an excuse or coverup for inexcusable behavior. If a child is...
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We know drugs do effect people but i get annoye by folk ranting on about how its ok to take recreational drugs they dont do you any harm.Others even go to the extreme of saying prescribed drugs are...
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You can now have a fine for not displaying "No Smoking" signs on every entrance to your business or workvan. Where do the government get off? Are they trying to generate more revenue...
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Does anyone else think the way her parents are carrying on is really creepy? Instead of seriously looking for her they seem to have turned into a pair of publicity wh***s - do they honestly think that...

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