Studies indicate that eating curry regularly may reduce the risk of developing dementia as chemicals within the spices prevent the build up of the plaque proteins responsible for the degeneration....
Quick question but if you were diagnosed as diabetic approximately a year ago, how frequently would you have to go to the diabetic clinic? Is it fortnightly/monthly etc?
Many thanks for your help .stm With an imminent reshuffle and probably knowing her fate has resigned from the cabinet. Jacky Smith has also resigned. Does that mean we are like to...
My extremely fit older sister (64 & much fitter than me)) has had a blood test for cholesterol. Was a massive 8. Her GP suggested it could be a genetic thing. I maybe should get myself tested? Anyone...
Why do humans have opinions? and more importantly why do matters such as whether a kitten is cute cause people to have opinions? It won't be that you were brought up that way such as an opinion on...
From one who objects to being forced to pay a direct tax in order to watch that box in the corner - irrespective of how much BBC content i view ... ..... Message to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph...
If your anorexic you can be malnurished but . . . will you not be malnurished if you take supliment tablets so the only thing that your not getting is the calories and fat or do you need them to not...
There is much critisism on here about people saying they are going to vote BNP. Well when you read news reports like this you can understand why.
I take warfarinfor af, inr 2.0 to 3.0 i am trying to find out which foods affect inr, I have looked at several sites and all list various foods, but i cannot find a list of which ones lower and which...
Normally I'm a Tory however I'm going to lend my vote to UKIP in June as I hope they can get in and wreck the gravy express. All the Furore about the UK MP's snouts in trough, kin amatuers, get a load...
Is this a genuine mistake or a blatant case of fraud that should be investigated by the police, even if he has now paid the money back? .stm