Can large age gap relationships, where the woman is much older than the man really work and last. Carol McGiffin from Loose Women is 47 and dating a 26 year old. I personally think he's just having a...
My ex wife and i have a joint loan that i want to settle,however the ex is unwilliing to pay her share. Is there anything i can do to force her to pay her share?
X factor tomorrow, who do you think will go this week. i dont think it will be another group possibly one of the younger boys, dunno tho, just guessing xxxx the best thing about tomorrow night tv is... /Teacher-s-jolly-to-Marbella-cancelled- After having to use their school for the training programme instead of going on the Marbella jolly, the...
I was watching 'The Secret Millionaire' last week and one of its focus points was a lovely lady who had 7 (!!!) children. As well as looking after her family, she had organised various activities and...
They see God as the spirit of the universe (you are free to interpret that in whatever way you wish), not as some big beardie in the sky ready to smite us with a thunderbolt for being naughty. They...
Why am I so insterested in aeroplanes - i.e watching progammes to do with airplanes , airports , travel , etc My daughter is a flight attendant , and I often wish that my job was up there as well . If...
I have heard so many arguements for and against, but remain confused. I have read the passages in the bible about Homosexuality being wrong, but I also read that women are not permiteds to speak in...
Hi. I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the law section. What do you think? Today, a young Chinese couple were putting leaflets (for a Chinese take away) through the doors in our road. I...
My husband has a female 'friend' in work. They have been working on and of as part of a team for approx 3 years. She has confided in him in the past about personal issues but he has always told me...
my friend has started to see a married man. he says he loves her and has intentions of leaving his wife for her(not sure whether this will happen, i only have her word on the situation). I dont think...
I have got a bad dose of conjunctivitis! It started on Saturday and my eyes are red raw and sore. After visiting the doctor, he only recommended Optrex for infected eyes. What I want to know, if...
An hotel in Marmaris in Turkey has had to replace its male staff after they were taken advantage of by randy older British women. They would arrive home drunk in the early hours and entice young male...
My boyfriend and I have lived together for a year and knew each other a year before that. I feel like I do everything. He would sometimes cook if he's in before me and occassionally do the washing up...
How has God/ Jesus touched you? How did you begin to believe and what impact has it had on your life? How did you know it was God that changed your life if you previously had no belief in such things?...
I have been a member for 4 yrs now and if I'm ever at a loss for something to do, as well as having a question to ask, I always know I can spend my time on here. Are there any other websites, which...
My Husband and i have been married a nearly a year, we lived for about 18 months together before we married and knew each other about a year before. So, we had a good idea of what the other was like....
Do you think that there is too much swearing on TV these days? I am not a prude. I swore as a schoolkid, as a teenager, as a soldier and all through my adult life. I never swore in front of people...
My son is starting high school tomorrow so over the last couple of weeks I have been getting all his uniform and equipment that he needs.I have just worked out the cost and it came to ?164.00 just for...